December 31, 2010

Three Ways to Accelerate

Acceleration is when something changes speed. It usually refers to when something speeds up, but it can also be used for slowing down. In this case, we're using the former. While I was making my latest project (see "The Enterprise"), I realized that in order to make it look realistic it needed to accelerate to maximum speed. I was modeling it after an actual ride, and the ride doesn't just start at it's maximum speed, it slowly climbs up to it. I knew there aren't any "acceleration blocks", so I needed to find another way of doing it. The first thing I did was click on the Robot Educator in the upper right-hand corner of programming program (that's arguably the best thing to do when you need help), go to motor, then to Accelerate. That's where I found my first method of accelerating...

First Method
Set up a few move blocks, each one with a higher speed than the last.
Pros: Very simple, easy way of accelerating
Cons: Was a bit too simple; I calculated I'd need about 50 blocks in order to achieve the look I was going for. Moving on to the second method...

Second Method

Ramping up

Use the "ramp up" setting on the motor block. If you don't already know this, there is a "ramp up" and "ramp down" setting on the motor block. What it does is allows you to reach a certain speed in a certain amount of time. In the picture on the right, the ramp up setting allows me to reach 100 power in 20 rotations.
Pros: Lets you be very specific, and is way easier to use than setting up 50 blocks (as in the first method).
Cons: After experimenting with it for an hour, I still couldn't get it to look right. I did end up using it for slowing down though, being that the third method doesn't work for slowing down.

Third Method
I used a loop and had the speed of the motor equal the number of times the loop was completed using a number data wire. I also set a limit, so once the loop was completed 101 times, the speed would equal 100 and the loop would end, moving on to the next block which moves it at a constant speed (the reason the loop needed to be completed 101 times is that the first time the loop goes around, the times completed equals 0. So the first time the loop goes around, the motor doesn't move at all. Therefore, I needed to add an extra loop). See picture of loop and information on right.
Pros: Looked almost perfect. It fit my needs.
Cons: It was hard to figure out how many seconds each loop should take. I decided on 0.15, because 0.15 x 101 = 15.15, which is approximately how long the actual ride I was modeling it after took.

Well, there's the methods I found for accelerating. So far I haven't been able to think of any more... Have you ever used acceleration with your NXT? I would love to hear about the method you used.

December 29, 2010

Gearing up, Gearing down, and Gear Ratios

Gears are helpful for many things, such as changing direction, transferring power to other parts of the robot, increasing speed, or increasing torque. This post is about the last two, and is also about how gear ratios are calculated.                                                       

Gearing up
(Gear ratio = 5:3)

How do you make a gear spin faster?
If you want to make it spin faster, you gear up. When you gear up, you transfer the energy from a larger gear to a smaller gear (see picture on right). This may sound funny to you at first. Shouldn't it be called gearing down if you move the energy to a smaller gear? Well, they named it gearing up and gearing down based on the speed at which the gear is spinning, not how the sizes of gears are changing. Gearing up is great when you're trying to make something on the NXT spin really fast and you've already reached the 100 power limit, but BEWARE! Increasing speed also decreases torque.

What is torque?
Torque is the amount of circular force applied to an object. It equals the amount of force being applied perpendicular to the object times the distance from the object that force is being applied. If that doesn't make much sense to you, don't worry! You don't have to know the scientific definition of torque in order to use it. Simply remember that the more torque you have, the better chance you'll be able to move a heavy object.

How do you increase torque (strength)?
Gearing down
(Gear ratio = 3:5)
You can increase torque by gearing down. When you gear down, you transfer energy from a smaller gear to a larger gear (see picture on right). Once again, it's called gearing down because it decreases speed. An example of a good time to gear down is when you're trying to lift something heavy, not when you're trying to make something spin really fast.

What are gear ratios?
Gear ratios simply compare the gears you are using. If you're using two 8 teeth gears, the ratio would be 8:8, which reduces to 1:1. If you're using a 8 tooth gear and a 24 tooth gear, the ratio would be 8:24 or 24:8 depending on which one is attached to the motor. Remember this simple rule: when you gear up, say the larger number first. When you're gearing down, say the smaller number first. Gearing up would make it 24:8 (reducing to 3:1), and gearing down would make it 8:24 (reducing to 1:3). Always remember to reduce the number. 

I hope you found this post helpful. Please ask if you have any questions!

December 28, 2010

Seasonal Greetings from the LEGO MINDSTORMS team!

Found in the news section of their website...
We thank you all for a very creative and inventive year. We look forward to seeing all your fantastic robotic creations NXT year and wish you all a happy holiday season. Let’s make next year “The year of the robots” by creating and exploring more awesome robotic inventions together.

Play well,


A merry Christmas and happy new year from me as well! I hope all of you had a great Christmas filled with joy, happiness, family, and many pleasant surprises (did you get any LEGO sets?). And may you have a wonderful 2011 filled with building!

December 27, 2010

Checklist for the Confused

Did you make a program and download it to your NXT only to find that it didn't turn out as planned? This checklist is for you!:

Perhaps an error in building...
Are the batteries charged enough?
Are the wheels on all the way?
Did you use the correct types of pieces?
Are the gears jammed?
Are the motor wires plugged into the correct ports?
Are all the sensors set up properly?

If it isn't one of the problems above, there might be something wrong with the programming...
Did you give the motors enough power?
Did you set the motors to continue for a long enough amount of time?
Are all the blocks connected?
Are any of the wires broken or misused?
Are you sure you downloaded the program to your NXT?

Where to start- Tips for the Very Beginners

When I first got my Mindstorms set, I had no idea where to start. So many pieces, so many choices, so many possibilities. My advice is to start by building the model that comes in the instruction booklet. It gives you a feel for where pieces are supposed to be used, how to use them, and why they are important. And, it's a great NXT to learn programming on. Another tip I have is whenever you think of something you'd like to build in the future, write it down! I've often gone months without building due to lack of creativity or inspiration. Inspiration can also be found from the contests the LEGO Mindstorms team hold every once in a while (I make a post here whenever they have one, and try to enter all of them). After you are done with the beginner model LEGO gave you in your instruction booklet and are ready to move on to your own creation, keep it simple at first.

Also, keep in mind that you can ask any questions you have about building and programming on this blog. I may not be able to answer all of them, but I will definitely try. Thanks!

December 26, 2010


DSCN2777.JPG Need help calculating gear ratios or creating gear boxes? Perhaps you have question about how the worm gear works? Maybe you just want to share what your favorite gear in the Mindstorms set is? Here is the place to talk about gears!

Also, if you feel like reading about gears, here(link) is a good post.

December 25, 2010


Is your NXT not doing what you're telling it to? Are you wondering what certain blocks are for? Maybe you need to know how to set up bluetooth between two Intelligent Bricks? Ask questions about programming here.

Also, feel free to check out these posts about programming:

NI LabVIEW for LEGO Mindstorms

When Your Program gets too Large

Again, and again, and again... the never ending loop for beginners

Three Ways to Accelerate

December 24, 2010


Perhaps you're thinking, "What in the world is that piece supposed to be used for?" Or maybe you can't decide what to build next. Would you like to share your favorite creation with us? Here is a discussion page for anything you have built, are currently building, or are planning to build. Enjoy.