February 8, 2011

My Next Robot

Hi everyone! If you have been following closely my creations that I upload to the NXTLog, you'll have noticed that I'm very slow with uploading my projects. It may be because I'm lazy, or because of my busy life, filled with school homework which I take very seriously, and also being on a robotics team which meets every day for 6-8 hours during this time of year (building with materials other than Mindstorms). Anyway, I started thinking about my next project. I just started it a few days ago, and so far it has turned out to be pretty awesome looking. The hardest part will be the programming, as I am already almost done with the building. I'm not going to give away wha I'm building, but I will give you a few hints:

1. It was inspired by something I learned this year in Physics
2. The project has been delayed due to a few non-LEGO parts I don't have (I'm not sure when the next time we'll go to a store that has exactly what I need. It will be at least a week though)
3. The program uses "math" blocks

Everything about this robot has to be perfect in order for it to work, and I know for sure the programming will take forever. And on top of that, it will take even longer to complete because of my extremely busy life. So, in other words, don't expect me to be finished anytime soon. ;) When I do finish, though, I will be left with an epic robot that I look forward to sharing with my blog readers.

Is there anyone here that would like to share what they are currently building? Or perhaps you need help with something? Feel free to leave a comment by clicking the "comments" button that appears below each post. Thank you, and have a great day.

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