March 18, 2011

Happy St. Patrick's Day: Catch a Leprechaun!

A very unique article was posted in the news section of the NXTLog. It doesn't really have any news in it, nor does it tell about something new they've released. Still, though, it looks like fun!:

"What better day than St. Patrick's to consider building mechanical traps for catching leprechauns (pronounced lepre-corn) and capture their pot of gold!
So, what is a leprechaun? It is a type of fairy about the height of a small child, dressed in a green coat and and pointy shoes, has a beard (if it is a male) and a hat. They make shoes all the time, have hidden pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, and will have to grant you three wishes if you catch one, in order to be free again.
A leprechaun is always trying to trick you, so when you catch one, you must keep having eye contact with him, or else he will disappear!
So why not make a robot to lure him into a trap and then catch one?

On YouTube you can see several LEGO MINDSTORMS robots that can do that!
For instance, check fishcontrol's robotic trap:
Or make your own robotic leprechaun - like this one made by servo270.

If you make some cool robotic machines that can catch leprechauns or other fairytale creatures please share them on NXTLog!

Happy hunting!

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