So as you may have guessed from my surprising lack of posts in the past couple of months, I have been extremely busy. With what? Well for those of you who are thinking I devoted my whole summer to the NXT, that is a very good guess... but you're incorrect. I actually spent it mostly getting ahead in my studies, but I shouldn't go on about that- what you actually want to hear about is the time I
did get in for LEGO. After the Ultimate LEGO Launcher I have been dreaming of incorporating physics into another project. Unfortunately I still haven't come up with something physics related to build yet. It might be better that I didn't think of something though, because they most likely would have taken up more time than I could have afforded during summer. Instead, I build two simple projects. Even though they aren't extremely awesome, I make it a goal of mine for all of my projects to be unique. They need to have some special feature or meaning about them, and that puts them on the list with all the others. Here they are:
Chlorine |
Chlorine- a table cleaning robot, Chlorine was built for a nonofficial contest on the NXTLOG, and takes advantage of the fact that the entries require a limited starting dimension, yet can expand to any size during the round. Chlorine unfolds long arms at the beginning of the round, and they stretch all the way across the table. If you are interested in reading more about Chlorine and watching a video,
please go here.
Tower of Terror |
Tower of Terror- this project was special to me because I love going on/building amusement park rides, and I have been on this one quite a few times. I have great memories of the ride, and very much enjoyed recreating it and adding effects to the video. You can find more description and the video
NI LabVIEW for LEGO Mindstorms
I have also been busy learning how to program on NI LabVIEW for LEGO Mindstorms. The post below describes my experience so far, and I suggest reading it if you haven't already.
News from the news section of the NXTLOG
Due to my lack of activity here, I have not posted a few of the most recent news articles. Please go
here to catch up, if you feel like it.
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