June 26, 2011

Robot Ducks and Rats

This was posted in the news second of the Mindstorms website:

"We get to see many great LEGO MINDSTORMS models out in the world, and at the FIRST® LEGO League Open European Championship in Delft, the Netherlands we got to meet Anika, together with many other LEGO MINDSTORMS users, especially MCP members (MINDSTORMS Community Partners) and FLL teams from the whole world. It was some very exciting models that Anika had brought to show."

You may recognize the ducks and rat because they have been uploaded to the NXTLOG. In fact, they were even entered in the robotic pet competition that was held during summer of last year. The duck won the creative pet award! It was beautifully built, and is full scale. Here they are on the NXTLOG:


And don't forget to read more about Anika and her creations here(link)! :-)

June 16, 2011

My Entry

I recently finished my final entry for the Sensor Overload Challenge. Taking nearly a month and a half to complete, this project was complex. I call it the "Ultimate LEGO Launcher". As the name implies, it launches LEGO Bricks; however, this is a very smart LEGO Launcher, as it is programmed to calculate what angle it needs to launch the LEGO Brick in order to have it land in a LEGO box. It does this using a physics equation which I incorporated into the programming. I won't write a long description here because I already did in my entry... here is a link if you would like to read more about my Ultimate LEGO Launcher. There is also a video that you can watch there, so I highly recommend opening the link... Enjoy! :D

June 7, 2011

Join us for Testing in North Carolina

"If you own a LEGO® MINDSTORMS® NXT robot, if you live in the area of Raleigh, North Carolina, USA, and if you are willing to help us with some product testing, please join us!"

Read more here. I wish I lived in Raleigh, North Carolina, USA...